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Carmex, 2102[^]0005707 Lip Balm

Carmex Lip Balm Keeps lips soft and alleviates the roughness of dry lips. Carmex helps to heal chapp
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Carmex, 2102[^]0005707 Lip Balm
Carmex Lip Balm Keeps lips soft and alleviates the roughness of dry lips. Carmex helps to heal chapped lips and contains germ-killing menthol and phenol, speeding the healing process. Also protects from wind and sun and replaces moisture loss. The active ingredients include: Camphor - alleviates pain Menthol - kills germs and relieves discomfort Phenol - gently numbs your sore lips and removes old, dead skin Other ingredients: beeswax, cetyl esters, flavor, fragrance, lanolin, mineral oil,

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